Sunday, November 05, 2006

Roberto's birthday party

Enjoy the five toothed-grin while it lasts, her sixth started coming in last week and is growing fast.
Colette kissing Ricardo . . .
Hiding out . . .
Azinete, the woman in white directly behind the cake, invited us to her husband Roberto's birthday party (striped shirt). It was a lot of fun and the Brazilian churrasco was great! We are so happy tohave met our brazilian friends, they are very nice and so comfortable to be with, we're thinking about going to Tokyo Disney with them sometime if we can find a time our days off match.
Colette has turned into quite the poser. Poser! She loves being outside and also hamming it up, she's come to crave the spotlight I think. At the temple Friday a group of teenage girls were walking past and they all stopped and gawked, took pictures for a good 15 minutes. It happens all the time, everywhere we go. We don't mind, because they are always smiling and very nice, we meet many new people who otherwise would have just walked past.
Last night for dinner we invited some Peruvian friends of ours which I met while going on exchanges with the missionaries. They are very nice, and hard workers. I can't believe the schedule they keep, they've been here since 1990 and work every day 7-7 except Sundays. They plan on returning to Peru after their 16 year-old son is old enough to handle himself here. They seem to have things together and I'm sure have saved a ton of money and will be able to retire or open their own business upon returning to Peru. Nicolle went crazy speaking Spanish, and told a bunch of stories about misbehaving Japanese kids. We both had a lot of fun yesterday, we love the company of other people and I've decided as long as you have good friends anywhere can be home. We miss family a ton, and look forward to going back to the states next year, but we'll have fun while it lasts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the great photos. I love the blog and your comments and pix when you are so far away. It's great that you're meeting people and making friends--even if most are from Brazil or Peru. I seem to remember some little photo hogs from some years ago. Too bad we didn't have digital photography then. (we had Cindy instead). Love,