Sunday, November 19, 2006

La fiesta de Jusei

Today after church we went to Jucei's first birthday party, he's a grandson of some of our peruvian friends Alex and Tula. It felt like we weren't in Japan at all, the music brought me back to when Nicolle and I would go to the latin dances at BYU, and reminded me of the Salsa band I played in in Utah, Orchesta Caribe.
We got there on time so no one showed up for another couple of hours, of course.
Jusei and Colette.
Cheesey smiles
We've been bundling Colette up before going out these days, because it's really cold. At night it gets particularly cold, so thank goodness one of our students showed us how to turn on the heaters, each air-conditioner doubles as a heater if you know which button to press. Going to the bathroom at night or getting up to take a shower isn't so fun because it's so cold outside of our room but coming back from the cold hallway into our room is great.
Nicolle's been sick so I got a taste of what it'll be like to teach all of her classes this week. by the end of the month we'll have switched completely so I'm teaching all but two. She's feeling much better and we all went to church today. People have been very nice and have made us some food while Nicolle's been sick.
Sorry for not writing for a while, but this week wasn't very newsworthy, except for the barbie-sized tsunami scare.
Tomorrow we have another checkup, it's always fun to look at the baby; every visit they do a long ultrasound. It's amazing how fast the baby's growing, it more than doubled inbetween the first and second visit, two weeks apart.
I've been looking for jobs in Utah,Texas, Spain, and Brazil; and have applied online to a few, I figure I might as well see what people think of me already. Nicolle thinks I'm worrying about it too soon but it took me 6 months to find a decent job in Texas last time, so 8 months out is a good start. We waffle between going back to Utah or staying a little longer in Texas, or going somewhere completely different. Sorry if we get people's hopes up then let you down, we change our minds a lot.
Well I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving this week. Luckily there's a Japanese holiday this Thursday, or we'd be working; this Thursday is labor day here. We're getting together with all the American teachers from our ward to have a quai-authentic Thanksgiving, I think they bought soem sort of turkey product at the Costco in Osaka last time they went. Regrettably the black olives I found at a local store were pretty nasty, so we won't be contributing those, but I'm going to attempt some sort of apple pie/crisp thing probably.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bennions! Thanks so much for the new photos. I didn't realize how much I depended on seeing new photos every week until they were missing. It's still quite warm here--maybe February is not a good time to come! Now it's too late to do an earlier visit, and we'll be heading across the Atlantic soon after that, so it will probably have to be February still. Oh well. You should sometime get photos of the ultrasound and send them. I know they're indecipherable , but it would still b e fun. Love,

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! It is me Cat, I see that you are doing well which is good to see. I miss you guys tons! So, to Rob's Job Search I think he should be looking in... Oh, say a little place called Florida. Oh, an in ..... oh, I don't know... say Port St. Lucie?! Hummm... sounds good to me! jk I do hope that works out and do agree that job hunting early is a good thing. Although I have found Florida is full of jobs! hehe. Anyways, it is late here and I have to run! miss ya!