Saturday, September 23, 2006

More from the Park . . .

This was a giant field with big rubber balls for the kids to play with.
She took a nap for a while.
Attack-kissing her friend Annie. I think Annie was nervous because Colette kisses by opening her big fangy mouth and assaulting the kiss-ee.
Lori, Annie, Nicolle and Colette swimming.
Overlook of Mannou reservour. It looked like it would be a lot of fun to kayak or canoo in.
We were able to go on a Saturday because it was a Japanese Holiday, so neither of us had to work. Normally our days off don't coincide with Darron and Lori's, the only other American couple with kids here, but because of the holiday we were able to hang out. Annie is almost a year now so only a few months younger than Colette, but since she's already walking well then the two of them get along fine.
WE miss you all and wish you could have come to enjoy the park with us!


Anonymous said...

Colette is funny. That place looks very nice. How warm is it there right now? Looks pretty comfortable based on what you're wearing.

Is Colette talking much yet? What has she said so far?

rob said...

She talks, and it's just like Mom said it would be . . . after a while you realize she's been saying certain things all along, they just get clearer with time. She pretty much repeats whatever we say, short things anyway. Her vocabulary includes ball, bike, watch, tree, bird, etc. The problem is that she can only do a few of the consonant sounds, so she says "gawk" for watch, "bawk" for bike, etc.
It's gotten coler at night, maybe 50's. But during the day it still gets up to mid 70s, very nice weather. The summer was hot and humid, now it feels like fall abit more, but the days are still nice and warm enough to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Colette seems like a very active little person who does whatever she has the impulse to do. Who does that remind me of?

We're trying to get our garden put together so it will be viewable in the spring. I love the evergreens and conifers in Japan, and the use of stone and water. Trying for that look myself.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she's such a little person!!! I bet she's so fun. She's talking and walking and growing teeth and becoming a little self. It's too unfair that you've taken her away during this exciting time. But I guess anytime of her life is going to be exciting for us. I will be happy when you guys are here in Utah instead of so far away. We miss Rob and Nicolle too, not just Colette.