Thursday, September 28, 2006

Funny things....

These two were too cool for school today during story time, they decided it was more comfortable to sit in the cubby holes.

Japanese food is always beautiful, although I must admit that I usually don't like the taste. This lunch was delicious. Everything about this cafe was cool. The owner is a young woman that is helping Rob get some gigs. He's pretty stoked.

Yesterday, my 15 year old student announced that we would listen to a cd later on in the lesson. He is one of my favorite students because he plans the lessons for me, all I have to do is show up and explain things a little. He studies at home and at school so he is actually improving all the time. Anyway, so we get to the cd's and the first one is the cheesiest english cd I have heard. It had bad synthesized pop in the background and uberreverbed vocals. The lyrics went something like "what do you do? (man's voice) "I'm a super gymnist" (female voice) "where are you from?" "I'm from Shanghai". I can't even begin to describe how cheesy it was. It was soooo hard to not laugh. I looked up at him and he was grooving to it. He asked me if I like it and I just try to keep a straight face as he tells me how he first heard it when he was 13 and how he listens to it every day. Then he pops in the second one and it is a catchy jingle with English words sprinkled throughout. He has painstakingly written out the words to it for me to sing along. We listen to it once and then sing along with it 3 more times. I figure it must be a pop song or something, until he tells me that it is the jingle for an electrical company. I don't know what to think, then he shows me that the entire cd is electric company jingles. He said that it was his favorite song ever. I guess it is not that funny, but to me it was hilarious because of how strange it was.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! Not only was that well written and articulate..........................but that was an incredibly funny story! Oh my! I guess we're all goofy and strange at 15 right???? heh heh. That is so nice of him to do the lessons for you!!!! Congratulations on being pregnant!!! I am sooo happy for you! Much love from Nidiam! Also I saw the kimono you got Liliana--It's adorable.

Anonymous said...

I think you are a natural born teacher. You are interested in people and completely open and spontaneous. You are both assertive and flexible in a teaching setting, in my observation. But congratulations! It is habit-forming. I would always be baby-hungry and impatient to have to wait until the right time to have the next.

Anonymous said...

Haha. That was hilarious.
