Monday, August 28, 2006

Beware of heat stroke

It is not official that that is what it was but it certainly was horrible. Yesterday, after a leisurely bike ride to the school we drove to the beach for the afternoon. I didn:t drink enough water and was in the hot sun for too long I guess but I didnt feel ill until we hiked for about 10 minutes up a tiny hill. Quite suddenly I thought I would vomit and pass out and I got a piercing headache. We stumbled back down the hill and went home where I took a cool shower and tried to lay down. I was extremely nauseous and dizzy and my head was spliting. Rob gave me a blessing and I felt a little better (as in I didn:t think I would die, even if I still wanted to) but Rob was still very worried so we got in the car to try and find a hospital or our boss or someone that could help us (we still don:t have a phone). When we were driving out luckily our boss pulled up and Rob flagged her down and explained the situation. She said that none of the clinics were open this late (it was after 5pm) so she called an ambulance. I think the whole situation freaked Colette out because she wouldnt stop crying until I held her. At the hospital I told my boss my symptoms and she relayed them to the doctor who seemed confused, but maybe that was just his thinking face. Anyway they hooked me up to an i.v. and gave me some stuff for the nausea and I felt much better. So I hope that I have learned my lesson and so have you, heat is a huge killer everywhere in the world.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nicolle.

I'm glad you're OK after heat exhaustion--that's nothing to mess with. I think it's hard after you start to feel sick because you don't want to drink anything. We have been worried about you, not hearing from you for awhile. Does your previous number still have any relevence? I looked up the country code (011-81, for those calling from the US--and incidentally, calling from Japan to the US is 001-0041+1), but it also asked for a city code, and I wasn't sure where to look (your town wasn't one of the options).

John thinks we can sell the calves and have enough money to come see you. We miss you a lot. I hope you can get on the internet soon in a useful, continuous way. I hope you're having time to enjoy your stay as well as work hard.

Love, Karla

Anonymous said...

yikes! hope you're feeling better. is it still very warm there? take care of yourself. love devon

Anonymous said...

Hey nicolle! I know how that feels! Im sorry. Hope everything's going great there. Im going to the states for 3 months in oct so im kinda excited. Take luck and have fun
Marcela V.