Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Beach and rhinoceros beetles

Colette and I went to the beach today, and swam. This beach wasn't very sandy but the water was nice. Later there were a bunch of windsurfers, I think it'd be fun to kayak out to the small islands in the bay like the one pictured.
Colette's checking out these rhinoceros beetles (sp?). A kid brought his two big beetles to church this week, and staged fights between them. These were for $2 at the place we buy produce. We saw a bettle fighting movie at the rental store, with different kinds of beetles fighting epic battles.
Colette sleeps through anything!
Along the coast . . .
And another shot at the beach.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bennions! I think beetle fighting is much better than cock-fighting, or dog-fighting, or bull-fighting, or war, for that matter. How far away from the ocean are you? Do you take public transportation or your own little car? Can't wait to visit.

Anonymous said...

I was especially glad to discover yesterday that when I click on your photos they expand to full, printable size. What a bonus! I think maybe Betsy's suggestion of a family blog might be fun too--but I think you have to pay for secure, private sites. Not sure. Love,