Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Perhaps slightly more than that, hopefully not more than that. I guess that I would just like some sympathy here. I got a parking ticket for parking in the place that I was told by the former teacher here and my boss to park, because it had no signs declaring it a no park zone. I told my boss about it and gave her the ticket so that she could figure it out and she informed me that she did not know that I could not park there, and so I must pay $150 for the ticket. I told her over several days that we have been discussing it that it is not my responsability or even within my ability to know all of the rules or laws with out someone telling me in English. I have done all that is within my power to keep to my insane teaching schedule even when I have never been to the new places and cannot ask for directions, have no phone to call for help and no way to read anything. She said that maybe it will be a lesson for me to have to pay the ticket...I about lost it.


Anonymous said...

Nicolle! I have been reading your blog and I can't believe that your boss did that to you! I would be mad! My boss isn't any better, last Friday was my last day because my boss said he had to let me go because he was afraid that I would go into labor at his office! I told him that I wasn't due for another month but he just said something under his breath about wanting to make more money! What a dork! Everyone says to sue him.. but I don't want to make a fuss. Sooooo.. I know how you feel with DUMB bosses! I do hope however that things get better for you there. If not you could come back to the States and live in Florida by me!! yay that would be fun! But, I do hope that things work out better for you.

cat :)

yave said...

Oh, that sucks. How do they expect people to know where not to park?

Glad to see your internet is up again. Hope things calm down soon. My friend from Hawaii, Jesse, is in NYC this week. They're planning to move to Japan sometime next year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicolle. I'm so glad to see a word from you, even though it sounds like a horrible experience. I hope the teaching schedule becomes more sane. You all are very resiliant, but I know living in a place where you don't know the language at all is very tiring to say the least. Do you have internet yet? I feel like we are all in limbo on knowing how to get in touch with you still. How are Rob and Colette? Love, Karla

Anonymous said...

That is terrible! What a crummy boss - I would be furious! Can you talk to anyone above her? I hope you can get everything straightened out with her. How are you liking your classes?