I just wanted to say that the past several posts were in part a tribute to Devon since it was her birthday last week. We haven't forgotten, we are just REALLY slow (actually most of the blame can be put on our internet, since it only works well enough for us to post in the wee hours of the night). So I am staying up late again to say Happy Birthday Devon...your gift is being made as we speak...oh I've said to much. Enjoy the random pictures while you wait....
Monday, October 29, 2007
Devon's Birthday
I just wanted to say that the past several posts were in part a tribute to Devon since it was her birthday last week. We haven't forgotten, we are just REALLY slow (actually most of the blame can be put on our internet, since it only works well enough for us to post in the wee hours of the night). So I am staying up late again to say Happy Birthday Devon...your gift is being made as we speak...oh I've said to much. Enjoy the random pictures while you wait....
Sunday, October 28, 2007
pumpkin carving
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Colette dancing the hula
This video is kind of boring at first, but it gets really good so just hang in there. Rob thinks that Colette will be a dancer. She certainly wiggles her body better than I can. I have to empty my bladder before I can watch this.
Visit with Michelle and Spencer
Rob was interviewed for an online radio show...more news on that later, in SLC so we called up Michelle to see if we could hang out with her while we were there. Fortunately, she could and so could Spencer! We were excited to see them. They cruised in on their bikes and Colette was in love. We talked and ate at the "One World Cafe" while Rob was being interviewed. Afterwards, we some how convinced Spencer to take Colette on a little ride on his bike. At first he just pushed her around while she sat on the bar (ouch) then we made him put on the baby carrier and strap Colette in for a chilly and exhilarating ride around the parking lot. Colette was in heaven. I don't know why but the way she looks strapped in that carrier on Spencer and the look on her face just crack me up. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Silly survey
1. Three biggest fears? Death or pain for anyone I love, anything that can hurt my children (from flies to sharks to lack of sleep to forces of nature), apocaliptic (sp?) disasters. I guess they are all kind of the same thing in my mind.
2. When was the last time you danced? Yesterday to "Pump it" by Black-Eyed Peas with Colette while trying to get her to help me clean instead of make a mess. She can shake her booty like nobody's business.
3. Do you creep on stranger's blogs? I am not exactly sure what that means. I pretty much just stick to the blogs of people I know.
4. If you could go back to be any age for a day, what age would you be and why? Pre-baby maybe.
5. Are you a good liar? It depends on what I am lying about, but usually I am pretty good. What a crappy thing to be good at.
6. Do you judge someone when you can tell they've had elective cosmetic surgery? Only for dumb things, like boob implants when they were already just fine.
7. If you have children, what's one thing that you always told yourself you'd never do when you had kids? If you don't have children, what's one thing you tell yourself you'll never do.
Lots of things that I am not going to admit now.
8. What's something that totally grosses you out? Fish. The smell, the taste, the look.
9. Do you ever delete forwards without reading them? Sometimes, thankfully I don't get very many.
10. Do you ever lie to get out of obligations? Probably, but by now people just don't ask. Whoohoo.
11. Consider your body weight and your yearly income at their present states. Would you rather be 200 pounds heavier and $200,000 richer or stay at your present states? I don't think I would be alive to enjoy being richer...besides that isn't very much money, I would probably have to spend that much just on food!
12. When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes and what were they? Yesterday at DI, some tennis shoes. I haven't bought a new pair of shoes for 4 months and even then they were only $10
13. The Olympics. Take them or leave them? Take them I guess, I like watching swimming and gymnastics and stuff like that...but I am not glued to it, I could live on just the highlights
14. What's your favorite accent? Mmmm, that is tough, I like italian, maybe spanish.
15. What's your favorite scent? Lilac's
16. Gum or breath mints?
Gum, works better on my breath-o-death
17. If you could look like any celebrity, who would it be?
Catherine Zeta Jones
18. If you had the chance of looking like said celebrity in exchange for your thumbs would you do it?
19. Do you religiously wear sun screen?
More like I religiously avoid the sun.
20. Do you generally trust people/their motives or doubt people/their motives?
I trust very few people. But even though I don't trust people I like them, plus even if I think they have different motives I don't care, as long as things get done.
21. Would you describe yourself as a complicated person or is what you see what you get?
I generally like people and want people to like me. I like people that are genuine, I guess that kind of contradicts the previous question/response so I guess I am complicated.
22. Do you watch what you eat?
The day I watch what I eat too closely is the day I stop enjoying food, and I enjoy food oh so much.
23. Do you watch what other people eat?
Not exactly, only if I am going to cook for them, I don't want to accidentally poison someone.
24. Do you judge how other people raise their kids?
Less now that I have children. Now I mostly just take notes.
25. Do you judge people who dress poorly?
It just makes me wonder if I dress poorly, then I think oh well.
26. Do you judge people who are homely?
I don't really judge people that are like me.
27. Do you judge people who are overweight?
More like, I hope I never get THAT overweight. I cut a lot of slack for people who have had babies, men get no slack, haha.
28. Your interest in politics: High, Medium-High, Medium, Medium-Low, Low, Obsolete?
High-ish, although I am usually disappointed with the whole thing.
29. Favorite song of all time?
At the moment "I will follow you into the dark" by Death Cab for Cutie, it makes me want to weep but in a good way.
30. Acoustic or electric?
Acoustic, hands down.
31. If you were a hermit, would you shave?
Shave, hey I practically don't do that now.
32. If you could shave your head without your significant other throwing a complete hissy, would you?
My head already looks too small for my post prego body, that would just be worse.
33. What was your least favorite age?
Can't think of a least favorite, life has been pretty good. Infancy was rough from what I hear from my parents but I can't say that I remember that.
34. How many times a day do you check your email?
I try to check it often but it hasn't been working lately so I only actually see my inbox about once a day.
35. Are you in a tiff with anyone right now?
Tiff? Not really, I either despise, not think about or love 'em. Tiff sounds like a passing kind of thing.
Ok so now that I have finished I tag anyone that reads this that is not violently opposed to filling this thing out. Samantha you are excused because you already did it.
2. When was the last time you danced? Yesterday to "Pump it" by Black-Eyed Peas with Colette while trying to get her to help me clean instead of make a mess. She can shake her booty like nobody's business.
3. Do you creep on stranger's blogs? I am not exactly sure what that means. I pretty much just stick to the blogs of people I know.
4. If you could go back to be any age for a day, what age would you be and why? Pre-baby maybe.
5. Are you a good liar? It depends on what I am lying about, but usually I am pretty good. What a crappy thing to be good at.
6. Do you judge someone when you can tell they've had elective cosmetic surgery? Only for dumb things, like boob implants when they were already just fine.
7. If you have children, what's one thing that you always told yourself you'd never do when you had kids? If you don't have children, what's one thing you tell yourself you'll never do.
Lots of things that I am not going to admit now.
8. What's something that totally grosses you out? Fish. The smell, the taste, the look.
9. Do you ever delete forwards without reading them? Sometimes, thankfully I don't get very many.
10. Do you ever lie to get out of obligations? Probably, but by now people just don't ask. Whoohoo.
11. Consider your body weight and your yearly income at their present states. Would you rather be 200 pounds heavier and $200,000 richer or stay at your present states? I don't think I would be alive to enjoy being richer...besides that isn't very much money, I would probably have to spend that much just on food!
12. When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes and what were they? Yesterday at DI, some tennis shoes. I haven't bought a new pair of shoes for 4 months and even then they were only $10
13. The Olympics. Take them or leave them? Take them I guess, I like watching swimming and gymnastics and stuff like that...but I am not glued to it, I could live on just the highlights
14. What's your favorite accent? Mmmm, that is tough, I like italian, maybe spanish.
15. What's your favorite scent? Lilac's
16. Gum or breath mints?
Gum, works better on my breath-o-death
17. If you could look like any celebrity, who would it be?
Catherine Zeta Jones
18. If you had the chance of looking like said celebrity in exchange for your thumbs would you do it?
19. Do you religiously wear sun screen?
More like I religiously avoid the sun.
20. Do you generally trust people/their motives or doubt people/their motives?
I trust very few people. But even though I don't trust people I like them, plus even if I think they have different motives I don't care, as long as things get done.
21. Would you describe yourself as a complicated person or is what you see what you get?
I generally like people and want people to like me. I like people that are genuine, I guess that kind of contradicts the previous question/response so I guess I am complicated.
22. Do you watch what you eat?
The day I watch what I eat too closely is the day I stop enjoying food, and I enjoy food oh so much.
23. Do you watch what other people eat?
Not exactly, only if I am going to cook for them, I don't want to accidentally poison someone.
24. Do you judge how other people raise their kids?
Less now that I have children. Now I mostly just take notes.
25. Do you judge people who dress poorly?
It just makes me wonder if I dress poorly, then I think oh well.
26. Do you judge people who are homely?
I don't really judge people that are like me.
27. Do you judge people who are overweight?
More like, I hope I never get THAT overweight. I cut a lot of slack for people who have had babies, men get no slack, haha.
28. Your interest in politics: High, Medium-High, Medium, Medium-Low, Low, Obsolete?
High-ish, although I am usually disappointed with the whole thing.
29. Favorite song of all time?
At the moment "I will follow you into the dark" by Death Cab for Cutie, it makes me want to weep but in a good way.
30. Acoustic or electric?
Acoustic, hands down.
31. If you were a hermit, would you shave?
Shave, hey I practically don't do that now.
32. If you could shave your head without your significant other throwing a complete hissy, would you?
My head already looks too small for my post prego body, that would just be worse.
33. What was your least favorite age?
Can't think of a least favorite, life has been pretty good. Infancy was rough from what I hear from my parents but I can't say that I remember that.
34. How many times a day do you check your email?
I try to check it often but it hasn't been working lately so I only actually see my inbox about once a day.
35. Are you in a tiff with anyone right now?
Tiff? Not really, I either despise, not think about or love 'em. Tiff sounds like a passing kind of thing.
Ok so now that I have finished I tag anyone that reads this that is not violently opposed to filling this thing out. Samantha you are excused because you already did it.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Quick note
It kills me but I can't seem to post any pictures because our internet craps out before it saves or anything so I will quickly recap the last couple of weeks, if you want pictures I will have to try to send them to you in an email, so unless you ask for some pictures I won't send any.
For my birthday on the 5th we made empanadas and had our Peruvian friends over as well as Amy, Grandma Gene, Karla, John and Chris. Mike came over too. We had two cakes: one that Rob made me and one that Karla made. Then on Sunday Brett and Betsy came over to the Bennions were we had another big shindig with lots of food and presents. Later Michelle came over bearing gifts from herself , my parents and Elisa, lots of maternity clothes (the only size of clothes that fit me) and fun. I had a great time.
On Friday of this last week we (Amy, Jamison, Chris, Karla, John, Rob, the babies and I) went to the cabin. We went on a little hike and ate like crazy. John impressed us with his crazy ping pong skills, Karla enlightened us with her immigration knowledge, Amy played with the babies, Jamison saved my life by helping me with school assignments while Chris serenaded us with his guitar. It was beautiful. I was surprised that there was no snow and lots of sunshine.
On Monday, Karla and Chris took care of the babies for 4+ hours while Rob and I went off and had our first date since before Colette was born. We get to go on at least one date a month courtesy of Karla. By some freak accident poor John was sick after the cabin.
Other big news includes Rob's string of paying gigs, mostly in December but some as soon as November 2nd. I am also trying to get some "gigs" face painting at birthday parties and such and so far have two parties coming up.
For my birthday on the 5th we made empanadas and had our Peruvian friends over as well as Amy, Grandma Gene, Karla, John and Chris. Mike came over too. We had two cakes: one that Rob made me and one that Karla made. Then on Sunday Brett and Betsy came over to the Bennions were we had another big shindig with lots of food and presents. Later Michelle came over bearing gifts from herself , my parents and Elisa, lots of maternity clothes (the only size of clothes that fit me) and fun. I had a great time.
On Friday of this last week we (Amy, Jamison, Chris, Karla, John, Rob, the babies and I) went to the cabin. We went on a little hike and ate like crazy. John impressed us with his crazy ping pong skills, Karla enlightened us with her immigration knowledge, Amy played with the babies, Jamison saved my life by helping me with school assignments while Chris serenaded us with his guitar. It was beautiful. I was surprised that there was no snow and lots of sunshine.
On Monday, Karla and Chris took care of the babies for 4+ hours while Rob and I went off and had our first date since before Colette was born. We get to go on at least one date a month courtesy of Karla. By some freak accident poor John was sick after the cabin.
Other big news includes Rob's string of paying gigs, mostly in December but some as soon as November 2nd. I am also trying to get some "gigs" face painting at birthday parties and such and so far have two parties coming up.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Friday Night
Hi guys, anybody in Salt Lake/Provo can come see my 7-piece jazz band play on Friday night if you're interested.
When: Friday Oct 12th from 9:30 to 12 midnight
Where: Sundance's Owl Bar (go up Provo canyon about 5 miles, turn left and go up the canyon, Sundance is 2 miles up that canyon. See their site for more details: www.sundanceresort.com)
Who: Some of the best Jazz players in Utah! Two singers, trumpet, bass, drums, sax, piano, guitar!
Cost: $5 at the door
The Owl Bar has always been smoke free so you won't get the black lung of death from coming to see us play. 21 and older only.
When: Friday Oct 12th from 9:30 to 12 midnight
Where: Sundance's Owl Bar (go up Provo canyon about 5 miles, turn left and go up the canyon, Sundance is 2 miles up that canyon. See their site for more details: www.sundanceresort.com)
Who: Some of the best Jazz players in Utah! Two singers, trumpet, bass, drums, sax, piano, guitar!
Cost: $5 at the door
The Owl Bar has always been smoke free so you won't get the black lung of death from coming to see us play. 21 and older only.
Monday, October 01, 2007
The Aquarium had some coral reefs for the kids to climb around in. Colette spent almost half an hour in the same spot, she wouldn't let any of the other kids into the little spot she picked for herself. Since the space was so small none of us could get in to get her out. There was also a sting ray petting area, it was so cool. Unfortunately the water was too deep for Colette to reach any of the rays so she got bored pretty quickly. Then when we left the aquarum it was full on snowing! This was the 29th of September! There was enough snow on the grass for Rob to be able to make a few snowballs o throw at us in the car. It was pretty crazy.
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