Friday, October 06, 2006


Hello Kitty! This week was my birthday, so many of my students and friends from church celebrated all week long. This was a delicious (and cute) pineapple cake that the Takashima family made for us. They invited all of the English teachers over for a joint birthday party (it was Annie's birthday last Thursday and it will be Ailleena's birthday on the 19th, mine was the 5th). It was a lot of fun to hang out and talk for several hours. There were also sparklers and magic tricks. The Takashima's are chicken farmers, so at the end of the evening all of the couples got two dozen eggs. Yay for the incredible edible egg!

We went bowling on Monday with our friends the Bytheways. Everything was pretty much the same as the States, except for the vending machine bowling shoes. Pictured is Sarah, getting her shoes. They love vending machines in Japan.

Of course we had to include a picture of Colette for all of the baby junkies out there (you know who you are). This is at the Takashimas, Colette loves to put on big shoes and hats and stumble around. I thought she looked like an little Amish girl. She likes to pull hats down so low that she has to throw her head way back to see anything.


Anonymous said...

happy birthday nicolle! that is a very cute cake indeed. i hope you got to eat the face!

Anonymous said...

oh wait, that was me, devon

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Nicolle! Mmmm, cake.

Question: who among us is not a baby junkie?

Anonymous said...

As usual, I love hearing your voice in your writing, and seeing the photos. I hope the revisions in your schedules will be good. Hooray for birthdays! (and you will be getting your presents for awhile yet, I think)

Anonymous said...

Happy...LATE birthday, sistah.
I love you and I want to see more
pictures of your beautiful self.
