Monday, February 21, 2011

visit to Japan

A few weeks ago Rob and I (Nicolle) visited Tokyo for a quick 2 days. It was lots of fun but pretty exhausting, in spite of business class both ways. That might have also been the massive amount of walking we did around Tokyo. In any case, it was fun. We had a much nicer hotel than we did in Osaka a few years ago and I was very grateful for it. Rob wore the loaner yukata just for the pictures. There were lots of silly things that reminded us of our time in Japan, and some new things that were a little crazy, like the masses of people walking around on a Wednesday afternoon. We visited some craft stores, which were awesome by the way, and a few mandatory tourist spots. Overall a very fun time, although I am not sure when we will try that crazy of a trip again, at least probably not to Tokyo.


Aileena said...

two days!!! with 18 hour flights. no way, you guys are crazy. but fun you got to revisit japan

Karla said...

Post more pix when you get a chance. These are fun. I like your repurpose blog too, by the way. Very professional looking.