Sunday, January 30, 2011

weekday update

We got a one day snow storm on Tuesday so we started a snow man, but Rob got carried away and made it like 8 feet tall. We decided it should be something else so we made it into a dragon. We didn't quite finish it and the next two sunny days reduced it to a slushy 5 1/2 feet. We put some green food coloring into a spray bottle, which made it look a little bit like a giant snowcone. All in all it was way more fun to sculpt than to just slap a snow man together.

On Wednesday Rob used his flight benefits to travel to San Diego with Johnathan. They went to the beach. I had to stay home with Colette because she has school. lame.

1 comment:

Karla said...

I'm so glad to see your new blog. Amy has been making quilts and blankets too--I am getting all inspired to sew.