Wednesday, June 27, 2007

New baby, new jobs, new school for Nicolle

Life is pretty busy right now, I’m working many jobs including musician, river rafting guide, English teacher, and international recruiting for the same English school. I try to squeeze as much time in for the family . . .

We just had a baby boy, so that makes two counting our nearly-two year old girl. He's healthy and getting fatter by the minute!

We live in Provo now so Nicolle can finish school, she’s studying tesol so when we go abroad again we’ll be pretty well equipped to do our own school or lessons.

If anyone’s interested in studying in the US specifically Provo, the school I now teach at offers 16-week courses with excellent curriculum and programs. Leave a comment here (it goes straight to my email) or contact me directly in the mornings at the school, (801) 377-3223. See the website: SinceI’m also a teacher I can vouch for the program, it has a great curriculum and lots of fun things going on, not just class but weekly activities.

Take care and write back, I want to know how everyone’s doing!


cat said...

Rob that is great that the babies are doing so well. It is also good to hear that you are doing something for work that you enjoy. It sucks when you dread going to work, so congrats on getting a good one! I am also glad to hear that Nicolle is finishing school. I know she really wanted to finish with some sort of degree. Smart girl you got there.

Well, I have to run but I was excited to see that you up dated your blog! Tell Nicolle hi for me!

cat -

cat said...

Oh, yes and if you ever get the time I would love to see more photos!

cat :)

elisa said...

Hey Rob! We need more pics! I want you guys to check out our new blog: