Monday, July 31, 2006


My sister Elisa had some questions so I will answer them here just in case anyone else was wondering.
This house is only about 2 blocks away from ours. Rob and I don't actually know if it is a house or some kind of shrine, in any case it is gorgeous. There are big beautiful japanese houses like this mixed in with more "modern" ones all over our neighborhood. As far as the food goes..lets see, the milk costs the equivalent of $1.50 but you only get 1000 ml. To me it tastes like the milk in Costa Rica, a tiny bit sweet. another example of the tiny portion sizes is the bread. It is delicious but you only get4 or 5 slices per loaf, especially since they are packaged without the ends. The 4 slices of bread only costs about $1 to $3. When Joey and Melissa were still here we went to Moss burger. Each burger was $2 to $4 and they were about 1/2 the size of burgers in America. Oh that is another thing. No one calls the US anything but America. It seems kinda funny to me.

Here is a bike we saw on our first day here. I didn't know what the handlebar covers were for, I assumed it was to keep them clean. Instead I later learned that it is to keep the user as pale as possible. If you look carefully you can see the hat in the basket. The women wear massive sun hats, long sleeves, long pants and sometimes even scarves when riding their bikes. But it is not just old ladies trying to keep pale. I have only seen a few men taking drastic measures, but I often see young women with long "driving gloves" and enormous hats even in the awful heat. Then there's Rob who goes out to do yard work at noon shirtless, or buys sunless taning lotion.
Anyway, as far as teaching goes, for the first week Rob and Colette went with me to most of the places but now they stay home most of the time. Rob teaches at least a couple of times a week, mostly at the "bilingual kindergarten".

1 comment:

rob said...

I didn't go out in the yard shirtless, I was wearing a sleeveless shirt, and I didn't buy sunless tanning lotion, Nicolle bought it when we were living in Utah for me, but I only used it a few times in Utah and we left it in Texas.
But yes, I am in the sun too much, that much is true. . .