Thanks to mom for finding the flamenco dress at a flea market in Ft. Worth. I assembled the shawl for Colette in an effort to keep her somewhat warm.
Johnathan's costume was the big time suck, but I like for the most part, how it turned out. I made the vest, trousers and hat. The embellishments were part trim, Christmas ribbon and gold glitter glue. We went trick or treating 2+ times. The first thing Johnathan asked me on Monday morning was "We go tick o'teating today?" Too much of a good thing.
PS. I don't know why J looks so scared in the first picture. The creepy "person" in the background was our scare-crow of sorts. We met some yip-yips at the Gallivan Center block party..I think some little (and maybe big) yip-yip costumes are in order for our house, and for no specific occasion, I would just like to have them around. And some adult flamenco dresses, oh and a bullfighter outfit for Rob...oh I've gone cross-eyed...