Sunday, June 28, 2009


We are saving up for a trip to San Diego and Texas for Colette's birthday so we haven't gone anywhere for the last couple of weeks, so there are no super fun pictures to post. But a couple of cool things have happened, such as the Bennions are back! We are so happy to have Grandma, Grandpa and Chris back safe and sound from England. We have also been hanging out with Betsy and baby Ethan more, which is always fun. Michelle started working for the National Children's Study which has made me more inclined to work more hours too. I have also been trying out some crafty stuff posted here. Oh and we gave away the bunny, but it was to a friend close by so hopefully we will get to visit him. I can't think of anything else to update about so that's it for now!


Karla said...

We're so glad to be back too, and we're glad that we (probably) don't have swine flu. Yeay!

elisa said...

hi. love you. wanna show ya some stuff that I made with your feather stuff and i would love to see those pics of you all out here.

Aileena said...

The kids look so cute