So we (read Rob) finally put up the Christmas lights, so it is starting to feel festive around here. Of course, come Wednesday the 16th around 10:30 am things are going to get a little wacky. I have been trying to contain my creative energy for the sake of finals and school work, but at the time mentioned above I will be done with school until the 11th, which means I can fully dedicate myself to all things craft and Christmas. Is it weird that I am more excited about making stuff than I am about Christmas day? If it is, well I guess just deal with it.
On a none crazy note, the Bennions took us all to see The Princess and the frog which was a HUGE hit with the kids, especially Colette, who laughed and screamed and editorialized throughout the movie. We were just overjoyed that they sat through the whole thing, especially Johnathan, who has made even kids movies a thing of at home screenings because of his tendency to crawl over seats into other people's laps..Of course it didn't hurt that this movie was basically empty at 3 pm on a Monday. Next on the list for kids movies in the theaters..The Fantastic Mr. Fox...maybe we can see that after my last final...