Tuesday, September 25, 2007

growning up fast

So this outfit brought to you by Elisa Hopewell-hand-me-downs:) Doesn't he look adorable? Please notice the sweet little dimple. Next notice how Johnathan is doing his best Zoolander impression-incredibly good looking. And Colette is trying to look like a baby while still being a "big" sister.
Finally Robbie reading a good night story to the babies. Johnathan just likes to be snuggled and Colette likes to point out all of the animals. We went bowling last night with our YSA group but we didn't take pictures with our digital camera so you will just have to imagine it. I will help you out with specifics, like Rob holding Colette on one hip while staring down the lane with the bowling ball cradled between his hand and his belly. Then there was the baby passing; Rob was first and I was last so I would hand him the baby for my turn and he would hand him back for his turn. Johnathan was a good sport about all the manhandling. I feel pretty uncool lately, especially since practically the only clothes that fit me are maternity or Rob's, but it is my own fault I guess. Or like Michelle says as she points accusingly at the babies, "you make your mom fat!"


yave said...

Soooo cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nicolle I bet you look beautiful! As always! I can't believe how much Johnathan has grown! Your kids are so cute.


Samantha said...

Dude, I can sympathize with nothing fitting anymore. I'm in maternity jeans most of the time. I can barely fit into a size bigger than I was before so I guess that's ok. It's sad. But necessary I guess if we want to reproduce. So it's worth it. Maybe.

Mackenzie. said...

HOLY SMOKES! Johnathan is big, and has a distinguishable face...
well, more than I can recall.
He sort of has some Rob features, or something.